Frequently Asked Questions

QIs the school eligible for the new system of schooling support (free higher education)?
A Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages has been approved by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as an eligible institution under the "New System of Support for Higher Education". This system offers reductions in entrance and tuition fees and scholarships to students from households that are exempt from residential taxation or equivalent. For example, if a student from a household exempt from residential tax and commuting from home enrolls in Kanda Institute of Languages, he/she will receive up to 1,200,000 yen in scholarship or exemption for the first year. If you have any questions about using the system, please contact the Admissions & Communication Department (toll-free 0120-815-864).
*If you have applied for a scholarship (Japan Student Services Organization) at your high school and are a candidate for the scholarship, you are eligible for tuition reduction or exemption under the new system of support for higher education. Tuition, special scholarships, scholarships and educational loans
QWhat about scholarships?
A. Kanda Institute of Languages handles two types of scholarships: the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) and the Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for Private Education. If you wish to apply for a JASSO scholarship, please contact the scholarship office of the school you are currently enrolled at. For the "Regular Adoption", you can apply for it after enrollment. For both scholarships, a briefing session will be held after enrollment, so please be sure to attend if you are eligible or wish to apply for either scholarship. For the scholarship of the Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for Private Education, the applicant and his/her guardian (person responsible for support) must reside in Tokyo. Scholarships cannot be applied to the admission fee or other first-year school expenses.
Q Can I pay tuition in installments?
A. In principle, tuition fees are paid in a lump sum, but it is possible to pay the designated amount in three installments: on the deadline for enrollment procedures, at the end of March, and in mid-July. Tuition, Scholarships, and Educational Loans
QWhen is the date to pay the tuition fee?
A. The deadline for payment of school fees varies depending on the term of examination. Please pay by the "Deadline for Enrollment Procedures" of the term in which you take the entrance examination. Tuition, Scholarships, and Educational Loans
QI like English, but I don't speak it. Can I follow the class even if I cannot understand what the foreign teacher is saying?
A. While some students entering Kanda Institute of Languages have a high level of English proficiency from the time they enter the school, there are many who have never taken an English proficiency test, cannot speak at all, or are not really confident... and there is a big difference in English proficiency at the time of enrollment. For this reason, after passing the entrance examination and before entering the school, we conduct a class placement test and organize classes according to English level. Teachers also teach according to the class level, and the level of teaching materials is also changed. I want to learn to speak English! I really want to learn English! EIC (English for International Communication)
Q How is this different from high school English classes?
A. At high school, through learning centered on "reading and writing" according to textbooks, students have rather spent their time memorizing grammar, vocabulary, and idioms. At Kanda Institute of Languages, we focus on improving your English usage rather than increasing your English knowledge. We spend more time practicing "listening and speaking" so that you can communicate smoothly with foreigners. The English conversation class "EIC" (English for International Communication) meets five times a week and is taught in English by a foreign teacher, but the class is not limited to textbooks; students learn how to communicate their thoughts to others using various themes such as music, movies, culture, and sports, and learn how to express themselves using quizzes and games. EIC (English for International Communication)


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